

The Kharkiv  marketing and Promotion firm “Soyuz” was established back in the days of the Soviet Union in 1990, at the initiative of Kharkiv city councillor Mr Sokolovsky, to promote the goods and services of Kharkiv enterprises at foreign markets.

 So, the SOYUZ is the first and longest-established (31 years) private company, who involved in the exhibition business in Ukraine

Already in 1991 the firm "SOYUZ" organised several presentations for foreign companies on the production of Kharkiv enterprises (the second biggest city of Ukraine) in Moscow and Kiev. Events of such scale were held for the first time in the history of Ukraine

Beginning in 1992 the company SOYUZ  started to organise exhibitions of consumer goods from the former CMEA countries, India, France and other countries in Kharkiv and Kyiv. These were the first international exhibitions (without the participation of Ukrainian companies) in the history of independent Ukraine

From 1993 till 1996 the firm "SOYUZ" was the official marketing representative of the National Exhibition Centre of Ukraine (NEC) under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. It was the first example of government-private partnership in the exhibition business in Ukraine.

 As a representative of the NEC, SOYUZ was responsible for organising the participation of public and private companies in exhibitions at the NEC pavilions in Kiev in 11 exhibition themes

It was SOYUZ that in 1995-1996 initiated the first joint exhibitions in Kiev at the NEC with Brno Trade Fairs, the largest exhibition company in the Czech Republic.

 In 1995 the company "Soyuz" started and continuously expanded its international activity as the official representative in Ukraine of various international exhibition centres in Bulgaria (Plovdiv Fairs), Hungary (HUNGEXPO), Poland (Targi w Krakowie), Austria (Messe Wien), France (Euroexpo), Romania (ROMEXPO), Czech Republic (BVV) and others.

 Since 1995, SOYUZ has also become the official representative in Ukraine of the world`s largest exhibition organiser, REED Exhibition Company, for which it has promoted 11 international exhibitions in Ukraine: from Canada to Australia and from UAE to South Africa.

In 1996, for the first time in the history of independent Ukraine, Soyuz also organised the international participation of 21 Ukrainian companies at the HEMUS 1996 international defence exhibition in Bulgaria.

Soyuz also organised Ukrainian expositions at  verious industrial , military and aviation exhibitions in UAE (IDEX, Dubai airshow), Malaysia (DSA), Singapore (Asian aerospace), LAD (Brazil), DSEI (UK) , Eurosatory, MIPIM, SIRHA , MILIPOL, MIDEST(France), AAD (South Africa), International Technical Fair (Bulgaria), IDEF and Istambul airshow (Turkey)  and in other countries.

 For more successful promotion of Ukrainian enterprises` products on the world market, "Soyuz" opened its official representative office in Paris (France) in 2000 (i.e. 21 years ago). Till now, no other exhibition company in Ukraine has such a representative office

With its own representation office, Soyuz has strengthened and developed its own trusted contacts with the majority of the world`s trade fair organisers

In 1996 SOYUZ  signed an agreement with the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine to provide marketing information on the markets of various countries to which it would be appropriate to sell products of the Ministry`s enterprises. This, too, was a unique agreement that remained in force until 2001. 

All in all, from 1995 to 2009 firm "Soyuz" independently organized the participation of Ukrainian companies in about 50 exhibitions in South Africa, Brazil, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Malaysia, Singapore, France, Great Britain, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, UAE and other countries.

From 2009 to 2022, in order to improve organization of Ukrainian companies` participation in international exhibitions, the Kharkiv marketing  and Promotion firm  "Soyuz" cooperated with the French company IMES.

This cooperation allows Ukrainian companies, which take part in exhibitions on 4 continents, to get the best places at exhibitions, to make payments for exhibition space in a shorter time (not 2 years before the exhibition, as required by the exhibition organisers), and sometimes even before the exhibition.  This allows you to avoid freezing the money on bank accounts l of Ukrainian companies for a long period and thus to comply with the requirements of the Ukrainian bank currency control.

SOYUZ is once again operating independently as of 1st April  2022.

We have decided not to re-launch a separate SOYUZ website, but to continue operating the website, as it is known by hundreds of important companies in many countries around the world.