Who are we
KHARKIV MARKETING and PROMOTION FIRM "SOYUZ" was founded in 1990 at the initiative of the head of the Kharkiv City Council of People`s Deputies S.N. Sokolovsky for promotion of products and services of companies in Kharkiv to foreign markets.
Therefore, it is the first and oldest (32 years of existence) private company engaged in exhibition business in Ukraine.
From 2009 to 2022, in order to improve organization of Ukrainian companies` participation in international exhibitions, the Kharkiv marketing and Promotion firm "Soyuz" cooperated with the French company IMES.
Around 100 stands of Ukrainian companies have been organized during this period in Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and South East Asia.
In total, since 1990, SOYUZ has helped Ukrainian companies participate in around 400 exhibitions (including those in Kyiv and Kharkiv)
SOYUZ is once again operating independently as of 1st April 2022.
We have decided not to re-launch a separate SOYUZ website, but to continue operating the www.imes-marketing.fr website, as it is known by hundreds of important companies in many countries around the world.
Full information on the past activities of the Kharkiv marketing and Promotion company SOYUZ can be found by clicking on the "SOYUZ" button at www.imes-marketing.fr , click on the "SOYUZ" button
Main directions of our business
WE ARE REALIZE a market research for companies to assess the market of EU
WE ORGANIZE for companies participated in various exhibitions on four continents: Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, on any subject.
WE INVITE professional visitors (buyers) to visit exhibitions in France, on any subject of interest to them.
IF NECESSARY, we can arrange participation and visiting exhibitions anywhere in the world.
WE WILL HELP in the organization not only exhibitions, but also conferences, business trips, presentations, negotiations.
OUR COMPLEX service can be tailored to fulfill all customer requirements.