Emerging Markets

Rising domestic demand in South East Asian countries has made the ASEAN region a key focus of new investments by multinationals as well as medium-sized international companies. Of particular interest are ASEAN’s emerging markets, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Indonesia.

If your company wants to expand its business to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos or Indonesia we can assist you to develop your roadmap and support your operative actions. We have sufficient networks and knowledge of the business environment to select the right market entry modes and partners for our customers, thus minimizing the costs and maximizing the results.

We can offer our customers support for existing operations as well. When there is a need to improve or develop further your existing operations, we can assist you in finding new business opportunities, identifying possible problems, recommending solutions and following-up the progress.

Services for investors:

IMES provides consulting support for investors in establishment of contacts with owners of relevant projects in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Indonesia assistance in contacts and negotiations with official bodies in stated above countries on different levels concerning development and implementation of efficient investment policies.

Services for project owners:

IMES provides necessary consulting and information support for projects owners, assists in establishing of effective communication with potential investors. By making selection of projects for further work IMES prefers projects with well-designed documentation. Assistance in preparation of documents in accordance with investor’s requirements could be regarded as one of the services provided by IMES for its customers.

The main purpose of our consulting services is to let your projects to be identified and recognized by the decision makers as an investment opportunity.

For more detailed information, feel free to contact us.