Why partisipate at the Exhibitons

IF YOU WANT to achieve growth and stability of exports of your products worldwide, taking part in international exhibitions on a regular basis is essential for the following reasons:

  1. Within a few days you get an opportunity not only to show the best of the brand of your company, but also to meet with potential wholesalers from around the world and show them your products exactly the way you want it.
  2. The cost of participation in the exhibitions disproportionately lower than the cost of advertising per the assessed value of a one buyer.
  3. Participation in the exhibitions - the fastest way to market a new product of your company.
  4. Participation in any exhibitions - it is a unique opportunity to study needs of the market as well as crucial requirements as to your products.
  5. Exhibitions - is the most effective way to penetrate foreign markets.
  6. You get more free publicity from the mass media, which highlights the work of the exhibition.
  7. Your stand, really, becomes your mobile office, which gives you a chance for negotiations with potential wholesale customers.
  8. Note that exhibitions, especially international, are attended by representatives of almost all the major customers and sales agents in the field.
  9. At trade shows, almost no casual visitors. Therefore, anyone who visits your booth – is a professional who want to purchase a particular type of product. This means that they will be ready for the perception of your ability.
  10. Note that only during exhibition, wholesale buyers can compare the actual quality of similar products produced by different manufacturers.
  11. Exhibition is a kind of "neutral" territory, especially for those wholesalers who usually have no opportunity to come and talk to you because of existing contracts with your competitors or other "political" reasons.
  12. Participation in the exhibition must be accompanied by samples of your product, not just a demonstration of posters and photos.
  13. Remember that the participation in the exhibition is not limited to the period of the work at the exhibition. Pre-exhibition and after exhibition work is of the essence.
  14. Buyers left their workplace and have come to the market on their own initiative. The fact that they are buyers who voluntarily come to you, the producer, increases their susceptibility, and you should not miss this important psychological moment. The buyer will be able to see and touch your product and start a conversation about it with your staff. In a while these conversations can lead to a number of important conclusions about which decisions should be taken in the future regarding the further production of these products.
  15. Remember that a single part in one show will never bring the desired result. You will find market acceptance only if potential customers see you at the shows as exhibitor repeatedly.